FIM research is mostly of empirical nature. Typically, firm level data are collected (especially though not exclusively on Swiss and/or German firms) in order to identify the determinants and/or (process or performance) outcomes of specific patterns, strategic choices, or internationalisation postures. Much of this research is of quantitative nature, but some research adopts qualitative methods.
Research takes place in our various competence centres. Please go directly to the competence centre pages for details on current research projects.
We analyse topics around the following core research areas:
Internationalisation strategies
International restructuring and reorganisation strategies
Performance implications of corporate internationalisation
(Comparative) corporate governance
Determinants and consequences of integrating foreigners on top management teams and boards.
FIM research is funded both by research funds such as the Swiss National Funds, the Grundlagenforschungs -fonds of the University St.Gallen as well as by external business partners.