Dissertations Supervisors & Fields of Expertise

Dissertations Supervisors

In case you want to develop your research competencies and develop both personally and professionally, please consider applying as a research assistant and/or Ph.D. student. You will join our team as a full member and contribute to CCTT’s development. Potential areas of work are diverse and range from academic research to teaching support and serving our corporate clients. Typically, our Ph.D. students support CCTT in several of these areas.

Please find below an overview of supervisors at our institute. In case of requests for PhD thesis supervision, please contact directly the respective person and thereby take into consideration the general admission requirements (you can find them here) as well as the instructions and requirements described in the overview.

Fields of Expertise

The CCTT specializes in:

  • Team Management
  • Team Dynamics
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Collaboration
  • Conflict Management

Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok

Subject areas:

  • Globalisation/de-globalisation
  • Top Management Teams; Role of the CEO; Boards of Directors; Role of the Chair
  • Determinants of high-performance teams Methods:
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods; focus on quantitative methods

Thesis topic postings:

  • Prof. Ruigrok primarily supervises topics that are co-developed together with the PhD candidate. Direct inquiries with own topics are possible and appreciated.

