Gloor, J. L., Mestre, E. B., Post, C., & Ruigrok, W. (2022). We Can’t Fight Climate Change Without Fighting for Gender Equity. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved, 24.
Georgakakis, D., Greve, P., & Ruigrok, W. (2021). Differences that matter: hiring modes and demographic (dis) similarity in executive selection. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3), 650-679.
Mueller, P., Georgakakis, D., Greve, P., & Peck, S.I., Ruigrok, W. 2021. The curse of extremes: generalist career experience and CEO initial compensation. Journal of Management, 47(8), November, 1977–2007.
Kalogeraki, O., Georgakakis, D., & Ruigrok, W. 2020. CEO Gender, Ideology and the Gender-Pay Gap in Top Management Teams. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. 2020 Meeting abstract supplement 19066.
Georgakakis, D., Greve, P., & Ruigrok, W. 2017. Top management team faultlines and firm performance: examining the CEO-TMT interface. Leadership Quarterly, 28(6), 741-758.
Georgakakis, D., & Ruigrok, W. 2017. CEO succession origin and firm performance: A multilevel study. Journal of Management Studies, 54(1), 58-87.